To begin, I needed to come up with a theme for my project. I started with the word “MOTIVATE,” but my goal was to end with a completely different word. In the end, my word path lead me to my topic: IDOLIZE.
Mind Map Path
Designing the Book
After exploring my topic, I set off to create my book. The cover depicts a crowd of faceless people, based on the idea that humanity can become a crowd of faceless people when we idolize celebrities.
Next, I designed a poster. The concept takes the shape of a regular large poster, but contorts the poster and makes it look like it is pushed back in space. To compliment this, I installed the poster to be floating off the wall, giving it a 3D aspect. The QR code on the poster leads to the website.
Designing the Poster
The website allows the user to make a choice between follower and celebrity. By chosing a path, they learn a bit about how celebrities can take control of common people and manipulate them into giving them attention and money. The end page is a slide of the book, where they can click a link and purchase it.